Combining forms, suffixes, prefixes and terms

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Table of Content
Term Definition
cerebello cerebellum
cerebro cerebrum
duro dura mater
encephalo brain
glio glial cells
lepto thin, slender
meingo, meningio meninges
myo muscle
myelo spinal cord
neuro nerve
ponto pons
radiculo nerve root
thalamo thalamus
theco sheath
vago vagus nerve
algeso, -algesia excessive sensitivity to pain
-algia pain
causo burning
comato deep sleep
esthesio, -esthesia feeling, nervous sensation
kineso, kinesio, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic movement
-lepsy seizure
lexo word, phrase
-paresis weakness
-phasia speech
-plegia paralysis
-praxia action
-sthenia strength
syncopo to cut off, cut short
taxo order, coordination
cerebellar pertaining to the cerebellum
cerebrospinal fluid Fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord and is located within the ventricles of
the brain
cerebral cortex The outer region (gray matter) of the cerebrum
subdural hematoma Collection of blood under the dura mater
epidural hematoma Collection of blood above the dura mater
encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
encephalopathy any disease of the brain
anencephaly condition of no brain
glioblastoma Tumor (malignant) of glial (neuroglial or supportive) cells in the brain
leptomeningeal Pertaining to the pia mater and arachnoid membranes of the meninges
meningeal pertaining to the meninges
meningioma tumor of the meninges
myelomeningocele Hernia of the spinal cord and meninges; associated with spina bifida
myoneural pertaining to muscle and nerve
myelopathy disease of the spinal cord
poliomyelitis Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
neuropathy disease of the nerves
polyneuritis Inflammation of many (spinal) nerves
cerebellopontine Pertaining to the cerebellum and the pons
radiculopathy disease of the spinal nerve roots
radiculitis inflammation of nerve roots
thalamic Pertaining to the thalamus
intrathecal injection Placement of substances (medications) into the subarachnoid space
vagal pertaining to the vagus (10th cranial) nerve
analgesia Condition of no sensation of pain
anesthetics agents that reduce or eliminate sensation
hypalgesia diminished sensation to pain
neuralgia nerve pain
cephalgia headache
causalgia Burning sensation of pain
comatose In a state of coma
anesthesia condition of no nervous sensation
hyperesthesia Excessive sensitivity to touch, pain, or other sensory stimuli
paresthesia An abnormal sensation such as numbness, tingling, or pricking
bradykinesia slowness of movement
hyperkinesis condition of excessive movement
dyskinesia Involuntary, spasmodic movements
akinetic pertaining to without movement
epilepsy Chronic disorder marked by attacks of brain dysfunction due to excessive firing of
nervous impulses
narcolepsy sudden, uncontrollable episodes of sleep
dyslexia disorder of reading, writing or learning
hemiparesis Slight paralysis in either the right or left half of the body
aphasia condition of inability to speak
hemiplegia paralysis in half of the body
paraplegia paralysis in the lower portion of the body
quadriplegia paralysis of all four limbs of the body
apraxia Inability to carry out familiar purposeful movements
neurasthenia condition of lack of nerve strength
syncopal pertaining to syncope
ataxia no muscular coordination

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